Saturday, June 2, 2012

Flea Market Fun

The past few days have been a blur... but we did it! I'm actually writing this post from "The Blakewood" (our old apartment where three of our good friends are now living) because the internet isn't up at the new place. But anyways, I wanted to give everyone a quick recap of the week.

This past wednesday I met my parents roughly half way from their home in Indiana at a flea market my mom sells at weekly. My plan was to pick up a few chairs that I had at home, but I ended up walking around the flea market and finding some great stuff... this vintage globe that lights up! One of the vendors was packing up and this beauty was one of the last items left on the table. He gave me a huge discount, and I couldn't say no! I also found a rug for the kitchen and some other utensils that we were in desperate need of.

Also, can we just talk about how cute my mom is?!

My mom, Joy, and my aunt, Cheryl started a company called 2 Sister's Glass Garden. They create glass topiaries out of found glass and build solar sticks for them sit them on. I think they are precious, but unfortunately I don't have a yard to display them in... wamp, wamp.

Although I wasn't able to take home one of the topiaries, my momma did give me this beautiful necklace that she cut out of a plate!

She has always been such a crafty and clever woman. Growing up there was always some kind of project or craft going on in my house, so I have always been submersed in a DIY environment. I've watched her build ponds and patios, create stained glass pieces, etch glass, and so much more... but most importantly she always managed to turn our house into a beautiful home. I'm getting a bit sentimental writing this, but she inspires me so much!

Anyways, like I said, we did it! I can't wait to start finding a home for everything... though it may be tough to locate things when I find boxes labeled like this-

Wish me luck!

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